Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Possible Question when you join in the beauty contest.

What is the purpose of your existence in this world?

The purpose of my existence in this world is that I am the blessing to my family, an inspiration to my friends and a good example to my community.

If your granted a wish, what is that wish and why?

My wish at this very moment is economic recovery and stability of each of the Filipino family. Because if we are economically stable then, their will be less crime, their will be contentment and their will be no child will go hungry.

What greatly motivates you and why?

My parent motivates me most. Seeing them working hard and devotes their time and love to family’s future motivates me to do great thing and hope for the best in life.

What is the most important Beauty or Brain?

For me the most important is the brain, because having knowledge could earn the respect of others. Being beautiful doesn’t mean your smart but being smart could reflect the beauty of intellect. And I do believe that the knowledge of individual treasure could keep for a life time.

What thing that could complete your day?

The things that could complete my day are having a one whole a happy family. No quarrels and misunderstanding even though theirs a lot of problem in life. Because having a one whole happy family we could face all the problems and hardship in life with strength and helping each other on that day.

Being part of the present generation, what is your greatest contribution to your society?

Being part of the present generation my contribution to my society is being a good role model to the future generation through good examples and standards.

Is education nowadays still key to one’s success?

Yes, education is always key to one success. Because someone who doesn’t have an education could hardly find the job. But still it is accompanied by handwork and determination. Because I do believe that success is not being lucky or genius but it depends upon the adequate preparation and strong determination.

As a youth of today, What do you think are the things that you can contribute to restore mother earth?

Nowadays, global warming is the major problem all the world. So, as a youth i will do my share by saving our mother nature by educating the little children about the prevention of global warming since they are the one who enherit this wolrd from as. And i firmly believe that the beautiful future of this wolrd lies in the hand of this innocent children.

If you are crowned MISS LAWA-AN 2008 tonight how can you promote lawa-an as the place of investment among the business investor and enterpreneurs?

If i am crowned Miss Lawa-an 2008 tonight, i will promote lawa-an as the place of investment to the business investor and entrepreneur through business campaign and public adds so that they will see the potential benefits of business enterprise along the high way with huge expanse of space and accisebility all throught the vicinity to lawa-an.

What is the role of religion in your family?

Religion has a very important role in each of the member of my family. It is the fear in GOD that binds us inspite of all the problem on life. I strongly believe that the family that prays together stay together.

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